
Vintage Panther Valley Football Programs

McAdoo High School vs. Lansford High School
October 6, 1945
Lansford High School Stadium

Panther Valley Big Green vs. Shenandoah
Pennsylvania Professional Football League
Sunday, November 24, 1946

Panther Valley Big Green vs. Allentown Buccaneers
Pennsylvania Professional Football League
Sunday, November 10, 1946

Coaldale High School vs. Lansford High School
NOTE: At the bottom of this post, I've included a link to a living history video that was done as an extra for this collection. It should be known that the message from Evan Evans of Lehigh Coal & Navigation was, to my knowledge, never read aloud nor read on the radio. I simply wanted to give it a little something extra instead of just posting images of the program. Hopefully the end result captured a small piece of Americana and an essence of days-gone-by.

Note the message at the bottom of the page: After the game, you are all invited to attend the annual Turkey Day Hop in the Coaldale High School gym. Music is by Os Wesley and his orchestra. Dancing is from eight o'clock until whenever you feel like taking a break. If you happen to know anything about Os Wesley and his orchestra, send me a message or comment on YouTube. The only other reference I could find on the group was when they played a show near Hazleton in 1937 with Sterling Mayer and Jack Breslin as entertainment.